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A small gesture for those who go the extra mile

A small gesture for those who go the extra mile

Veteran Graduation Ceremony

Each year thousands of Americans graduate from college, and this year we took the step to congratulate a certain group that has already done so much for our country. One of the Veteran initiatives at Northwell Health is to educate Veterans about our many career opportunities. With our Barracks to Business Career Workshops, we have been able to help hundreds of Veterans take their next steps in civilian life by translating their military skills to relate to civilian jobs. By joining our Veteran Talent Community, they can connect with our Veteran Program Specialist, Lyndon Chichester, who will help them discover the many career opportunities we have available. And with our recruitment events, they get to speak directly with recruiters about what they look for in candidates and how they can set themselves apart.That is exactly what happened last week at our Veteran Graduation event. Put together by our Inclusion team, this event connected recent Veteran graduates with our recruiters in

That is exactly what happened last week at our Veteran Graduation event. Put together by our Workforce Readiness Team, this event connected recent Veteran graduates with our recruiters in round-robin format.  “It was such a pleasure to attend this event. The size and time period allowed the attendees to connect with the recruiters individually and they were extremely knowledgeable and helpful,” said one of the attendees. With over 2,000 open positions, attendees were able to find a job that matched their Military background with the help of our MOS Crosswalk.

After a nice lunch and some cake, they left with their resumes in our recruiter’s hands and a bond formed with our Veteran Program Specialist. “Our goal is to help as many Veterans as possible. If that means having events like this so they can get in front of our recruiters, then we’ll try to have one every month,” said Lyndon Chichester. Here, we’re committed to helping each Veteran continue their career journey. We’ve been named a Military Friendly® Employer three years in a row, are proud members of the Veteran Jobs Mission and other programs committed to serving those who’ve done so much to serve us all. Above all, we’re dedicated to giving Veterans the opportunity to continue making a difference in peoples’ lives, and our communities.

 Want to connect with Lyndon? Join our Veteran Talent Community.  

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From the United States Air Force to our Veteran Program Specialist

Picture: From left to right, Lyndon is the 5th person standing near the middle 

From the United States Air Force to our Veteran Program Specialist

Each year at Northwell Health we set the goal to help as many Veterans as possible, and without the help of our Veteran Program Specialist, Lyndon Chichester, we wouldn’t have been able to hire over 500 veterans last year alone. It’s with great pleasure that I was able to sit down and speak with him the other day to learn about his transition home and what it means to him to help others who are going through the same process. 

On April 24 2001 at Fort Hamilton Military Base in Brooklyn, NY,  Lyndon Chichester, with right hand raised calmly uttered “I, Lyndon Chichester, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.” With that statement Lyndon began an 8 year journey in the United States Air Force. During this time he was a Computer Network, Switching, and Cryptographic Systems Specialist, stationed in Arizona and Virginia, both during Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). Lyndon also completed various technical and military training in Texas and Mississippi. He later separated from the Air Force as a Staff Sargent at Langley AFB in October 2008, and received an honorable discharge. Subsequently, Lyndon moved to New York and attended New York University School of Professional Studies, where he earned a BS Degree in Leadership and Management Studies with a concentration in International Business and Global Management.

When Lyndon graduated in May of 2012 he started applying online to many openings at various well-known companies and was surprised when calls to interview weren’t coming in as frequently as he expected. “I felt like I was the toast of the town when I graduated. I thought that because I was a Veteran with a Bachelors Degree there was no way I would go the whole summer of 2012 without a job offer. However, that’s exactly what happened” Lyndon states. He also recalls, “I went from feeling high to feeling low real quick, and to add to that the financial pressure of maintaining a family was scary and daunting.”


As the season switched to Fall, Lyndon’s friend who was an IT contractor employed with another organization, gave him the business card of the IT recruiter that hired him. “When my friend gave me the business card I was very skeptical of my marketability as a candidate at the time and was expecting another failed attempt at employment. I didn’t know why I was calling this recruiter because my last IT related job was in the Air Force and 3 years had already passed.” The phone call was successful because Lyndon was invited in for a face to face interview at that organization’s Midtown office and was hired as an IT Account Executive, which in 3 months turned into an IT Recruiter role. “My two years at my previous organization was a great learning experience because it is where I learned what employers look for in candidates. I also learned the art of the resume, recruiting, and interviewing.” After four  years of IT recruiting experience in the staffing world, Lyndon joined the Northwell Health family as a Talent Acquisition Specialist in June 2016. In December of 2016, Lyndon was promoted and is now the Veteran Program Specialist for Northwell Health. In this role he leverages his background as an experienced recruiter and a United States Air Force Veteran to work with the Veteran community, helping to drive Northwell Health’s Veteran recruitment goals and efforts.

Lyndon said “It is an honor and a privilege to work with our Veterans. My passion is to help all of our Veteran applicants gain successful employment with Northwell Health. Veterans bring an unmatched array of strengths and experiences to the workforce including leadership training, integrity, teamwork, working among diversified groups in high pressure environments which gives them a high level of sensitivity to diversity and inclusion beneficial to productive corporate work environments. Our Barracks to Business Workshop leverages and translates the skills Military members have to civilian resumes that our hiring managers can simply understand. It’s always exciting to learn that we’ve hired another Veteran. That’s the mission.”

Every current service member, transitioning service member, or veteran should know that Lyndon is here for you: your needs will be met, your questions will be answered and you will never be alone in this process. He is passionate and dedicated to assisting Veterans in their transition from Military service to a promising Northwell Health career.

Sign up to join our Veteran Talent Community

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From Barracks, to Business

From Barracks, to Business

Read about Samantha Rosario’s experience within the Military, and how our Barracks to Business Workshop prepared her for a career at Northwell Health.

Written by: Samantha Rosario 

Each branch of the military bears a massive responsibility when training new soldiers. New recruits are trained in hand-to-hand combat, at the weapons range, and how to work together as a cohesive team. Preparedness of soldiers is essential to ensure not only a victory for the mission, but God-willing, a safe return for everyone. Once the solider has returned and his/her term is complete, it is almost as if the weight of responsibility has lifted off the branch’s shoulders and soldiers are given minimal training in their next mission in life, transition to the civilian world.










A popular myth, and one I foolishly believed, was that finding a job, as a veteran, was going to be easy because employers love the skills and discipline veterans possess. While employers appreciate those traits, the real issue is if the applicant cannot communicate his/her skills on a resume. Northwell has recognized this dilemma and has committed itself to be the standard in job preparation training. Over the summer, I was lucky enough to attend one of these training seminars, entitled Barracks to Business, led by Anthony Silvera. During the course of 4 hours, I was challenged to clarify my skillset and experiences, determined my career goals, learned the importance of a job description and gained confidence for an interview. The success stories were inspiring and newly gained knowledge felt invigorating; that night I started revising my resume and focusing on finding a career within Northwell. One of the most significant aspects of seminar was the support given after it ended and with the support of Mr. Silvera and his team, I eventually gained employment with Northwell. I am honored to work for an organization that dedicates so many resources to serve the needs of our country’s veterans and look forward to doing great things in my new role.

Are you, or someone you know, a Veteran who is looking to build their professional skill set?

triangle_blueRegister to attend our next Barracks to Business Workshop today.

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A Man of Red White and Blue Who’s Always Here For You

Thirty years ago on October 18, 1984 Anthony Silvera began his journey in the United States Air Force at Basic Military Training. Little did he know during his 30 year career he would be able to serve as a Senior Non-Commissioned Officer and Commissioned Officer in roles such as a logistician, program manager, flight commander, and an instructor. He would be stationed in Germany, Texas, California, South Carolina and two year long deployments in Iraq. With extensive hands on experience, a hardworking attitude and the determination to succeed in civilian life, Anthony retired from active duty on December 2014 as a Major. Although his transition wasn’t easy, he is now the Northwell Health Veteran Program Specialist and ready to help each Military member who is battling the same struggles he did.

As the end of December 2014 brought a chapter of Anthony’s life to a close he was still excited to begin his journey and adapt to civilian life. With a polished resume and a suit freshly pressed he was ready to take on his first interview. Until he realized he didn’t have one. The lack of emails and phone calls left him unmotivated and confused- surely a man with 30 years’ experience and a college degree deserved a chance to prove himself in an interview. After months of frustration and interviews ending in “You’re terrific, but you’re just not qualified for this position” Anthony had about enough until one day a Veteran Case Manager from Eastern Seals got in touch with him.

“I learned I was making all the classic mistakes. Applying for too many positions and not identifying the correct things on my resume. All simple things that I wouldn’t have known unless I was taught – I will never forget how Eastern Seals helped me get to where I am today” Silvera said.

A little while later he received an email from an employee in Talent Acquisition at Northwell Health (then North Shore-LIJ Health System) about an open position. Thrilled about the opportunity he decided to call her right then and there, “I was too excited to wait and I figured I would get her voicemail since it was 8:00 PM, but to my surprise she picked up! We chatted about the Barracks to Business Workshop and Game of Thrones and she said she would contact me about the open position. I still thank her to this day for finding me.”  A little over a year later his passion for helping Veterans has grown even more, “I was one of them. I understand the struggles they are going through and I’m determined to help them find a career here.”   

Every current service member, transitioning service member, or veteran should know that Anthony is here for you: your needs will be met, your questions will be answered and you will never be alone in this process. He is dedicated to developing, collaborating and managing all relationships and assisting in the transition of Military Veterans into a career here.

dbluetip Transition to a new mission with us. 

Attend one of our Barracks to Business: Translating Military Skills into Career Success Workshops,  search our jobs or contact Anthony at asilvera@northwell.edu.